Check out josh benevento’s jlb NUmismatics

Our incredible podcast partner Josh Benevento has an wide selection of ancient coins available now on eBay from his store JLB Numismatics.

Josh has incredible eye and a knowledge of ancient coins specifically around the Ptolemy’s that is almost unmatched. Make sure to check out his store.

Make it

Get to know one of the best coin jewelers in the business and take your purchase to the next level by making is wearable. Peregrine Pendants is company that came together because they were not satisfied with what was available and wanted to make their own mark in the industry. Specifically hand crafting each piece so that the coin is not damaged. A display of ancient coin in Jewelry makes an incredible fashion statement, and one that your peers will be falling all over themselves to replicate. The incredible singer-songwriter Taylor Swift herself has worn an ancient coin and was written about wearing it nationally.

Become a part of something

Founded in 1858, The American Numismatic Society is dedicated to the study and appreciation of numismatics and has assembled a permanent collection of more than 800,000 coins, monetary objects, medals, and other related items dating back to 2000 BCE. The specialized library contains approximately 100,000 books, documents, and artifacts that are among the finest of such resources. Together, they comprise one of the most extensive numismatic holdings in the world. The Society is also a global leader and innovator in the development of digital numismatic resources and is one of the largest publishers of scholarly numismatic research, enjoyed by its members, fellows, and the public at large

  • There are a couple of different outlets in which you can research closed auction prices. I personally recommend CNG"‘s research site.

  • Yes I buy ANCIENT coins. I do not deal in American or World coins, so I am not a very good resource for that, but I can certainly help connect you to another company that can.

  • I do not pretend to be a market expert or someone that can predict what the market is going to do. What I can tell you is that ancient coins have intrinsic historical, artistic, and cultural aspects to them. Ones that will likely always be there, so the demand or the want for these coins is only limited by people and their interest in history or collectables.

